Sunday, April 26, 2009

What do you mean by that?

I know that I am totally over analyzing people's comments but I am constantly struck with wonder by the "wow, your belly looks really small considering you are having a baby in .... weeks!".  I have heard this quite bit in this last part of my pregnancy (and am pretty sure that I have said those exact words to other pregnant women that I have come across) and it always strikes as a bit odd.  I know that people are really just trying to be nice and are just trying to make conversation but I never know how to respond to them.  I have very little control over how big or small my belly is and I feel like they are congratulating me for being "small".  I actually don't know that I am smaller than other women at this stage but I do know that there is so much variety in the size of baby bellies (which became incredibly evident once we starting going to prenatal classes and I could see where things were at for other women).  I guess that I worry about people's perceptions of pregnancy and am conscious of the fact that our culture is somewhat obsessed with women staying slim throughout their pregnancy.  I am certainly much rounder in other places and I know that I have gained weight all over my body (which has been a bit hard for me to get used to but now I feel comfortable with it) so I know that I'm not some skinny mini pregnant lady.  So, if I can make a suggestion for those of you who are reading this - if you see a pregnant lady, maybe just tell her that she looks great and don't make a comment about the size of her stomach.  I know that I certainly will try to do that in the future.  

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