33 weeks pregnant

At 33 weeks pregnant, I received a very lovely award from the Alberta College of Social Workers for being a good social worker (or something like that...). Ella, my friend and co-worker nominated me for the award and got to present it to me at the AGM. Funny thing is, she was 37 weeks pregnant at the time so we were two big pregnant ladies waddling across the stage. My friend Anthea had a pretty good chuckle watching us!
Congrats on the award, Rebecca! You look so pretty, very vibrant, and your pendant is way cool!
Your recent comments on the 'waddle' make me laugh out loud by the way!! It's good you're keeping a sense of humor about all the changes you are experiencing. I hope you continue blogging post-delivery... I'm living vicariously through you when it comes to having children... and I can't wait to read all about some real live baby adventures!!
Cheers to you and Scott, hope you're enjoying the new digs!
Hey Cheryle! Thanks for the nice feedback. I'm not too sure yet about my plans for the blog - I'll probably keep posting because I do enjoy it but I'm not completely sure. I'll let you know (or you'll read about it on here). Hope that you and Todd are doing well.
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