Monday, April 6, 2009

Confession time

"Hi, my name is Rebecca and I'm a Zantac addict"...

So, I'm not an addict in the sense that I take too many Zantacs (I still usually only take 1-2 per day which is well within the dosage range) but I get super stressed out when I need one and can't find it quickly.  This has happened on a couple of our recent commuting drives to Canmore.  I probably should take one first thing in the morning but I usually wait until the burning starts, just in case I don't need one for the day.  This morning, I felt the burning and was super worried that I didn't have any left in my bag.  Scott was driving and I couldn't reach my bag to find out.  I started panicking - what if I didn't have one?  What if I had to wait until Banff to get one?  Oh the stress! Now I think that I have the smallest idea of what it is like to crave a drug...

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