Saturday, February 7, 2009

Things to be thankful for

I am very thankful to the makers of Zantec.  One, for making a product that is so darn effective at getting rid of heartburn and two, for making it safe enough for pregnant women to take.  As I have mentioned before, I've been experiencing quite a lot of heartburn for the past 6 weeks.  If it were just regular heartburn, I could easily deal with that.  However, it has kept me awake at night, it has made me throw up, and it causes the burning rib pain (well, at least that's still the theory of the doctor but who really knows what's going in there...).  I started with Tums, moved onto Maalox and finally turned to Zantec (thanks to the advice of a co-worker who just had a baby) to deal with the indigestion and upset stomach.  At first, I needed to take two per day to manage the heartburn.  Now, I normally only have to take one per day, and I have gone a few days without taking any. I'm pretty darn happy that this annoying side effect of pregnancy is now under control!

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