Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm not one of "those" women

As you may be able to tell from some of my posts, I'm not one of those women who loves being pregnant.  Some women speak about this being the best time of their life - they feel like they are glowing, the most beautiful ever, blah, blah, blah...To be honest, I find pregnancy a bit annoying. My body feels uncomfortable, it does weird things all the time (most of which are not fit for posting on a public blog), I miss my waist, I miss being able to exercise, and I don't like the little pains that come with being pregnant.  I feel round and huge.  

Don't get me wrong, I am SO grateful for being able to get pregnant and for being able to carry a child.  I am ecstatic about becoming a parent and I very much look forward to meeting my child. And, in the essence of fairness, I actually do love being able to feel the baby move.  It is super cool to feel the baby's daily pokes, kicks, twists, and turns.  I just don't find the rest of it any fun.  You can't bend over, sitting is becoming awkward (probably due to the fact that I can feel my pelvis shifting apart), walking causes cramps, I can barely tie my shoes, etc. etc. etc.  

All this and I still have three more months of pregnancy to go...

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