Sunday, October 26, 2008

Less and More

I am less tired than before and have quite a bit more energy.  

I am less hungry and am gaining weight at a slower rate.  

I look less like an old-style Coke bottle and more like a plastic Sprite bottle.  My waist is rapidly disappearing as it continues to get thicker every day.  I'm still not really "showing" per say but I feel like the difference in my shape is noticeable.  

I fit into less and less of my clothes but continue to remain thankful for the plethora of clothes that I have in various sizes (my only saving grace at this point!).

I am less worried about having a miscarriage and more excited about being pregnant.  

I am less skeptical that there is something growing inside me.  I've actually seen a picture of "it" on a screen but it's still hard to believe that there is a human in there... 

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