Sunday, October 26, 2008

It's not fair

I went for lunch with a friend so that I could tell her that I was pregnant.  I wanted to tell her in person because she too had trouble getting pregnant and we had shared the ups and downs (more downs than ups) together.  Anyways, I hadn't seen her for a number of months and I wasn't sure where things were at for her.  To make a long story short, we met for lunch and she told me that IVF wasn't going to work for her as her body doesn't respond to the treatments. She is a very rare case and has no other options for fertility treatments.  She and her husband badly wanted to get pregnant and they have been trying for many years.  She is incredibly sad, angry, and disappointed by this news.  It's so unfair that she can't have the baby that she so badly wants when there are many children born to women who didn't want to get pregnant and don't want to raise a child.  Life just seems really unfair sometimes.  I feel sad tonight.  

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