Thursday, June 25, 2009

Close but not quite...

A friend said it best when she told me that "you aren't quite there after you have a baby". I didn't take offense to this comment because she said it right after I apologized for forgetting a dirty diaper and some other garbage in her camper last weekend. Everyone keeps commenting on how well we are doing with our baby and how natural we look as parents. I do feel blessed to be coping well with this big life change ( and to have a baby and a husband who allow me to cope well) but a number of things make me realize that I still have a ways to go before I'm back to my normal self (I say that, assuming that my brain will actually return to "normal" at some point). For example:
  • I don't usually realize until sometime in the mid-afternoon that I haven't let Cara out yet to pee.
  • I have done an excellent job at packing everything I need for Lily whenever I go out with her but I haven't remember to bring a coat or a hoodie for myself on any outings over the past two weeks.
  • I made a lovely batch of raspberry oatmeal muffins last week but completely forgot to put sugar in them. Surprisingly, they still aren't half bad!
  • While I did remember to pack dog food for Cara when we went camping these past two weekends, it certainly never occurred to me to feed her or give her any water during the day. This is despite the fact that it was almost 30 degrees when we were riding in Golden...

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