Tuesday, June 2, 2009

"what do you think of being a mother?"

Well, isn't that the 64 million dollar question!  People have been asking me this question since Lily was born (interestingly, nobody has asked Scott what he thinks about being a father) and more than two weeks later, I still don't have the answer.  I realize that it's an awfully big question to have an answer to and I think that it may be unrealistic to come up with something right away but I genuinely don't know how I feel about being a mother.  So many thoughts and feelings come to mind - overwhelming, awe inspiring, terrifying, boring, thrilling, stressful, calming, tiring.  I truly could go on and on.  It certainly is a huge learning curve and one that I'm finding challenging at times and easy at other times.  I still miss working, I still crave my freedom and independence and I'm still interested in things other than Lily.  I know that I wish I felt comfortable enough to trust my own instincts as a mother rather than relying on books and the internet to guide me but I think that it will take time to get there.  I'm grateful to have Scott as Lily's father and completely appreciate his role in helping to raise her - I certainly couldn't do it without him.  And, I know that I'm truly blessed to have Lily in my life and am excited to see what adventures lay ahead in having her as my daughter.  

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