Thursday, June 18, 2009

One month update

Lily went to the doctor yesterday for her 4 week check-up. She now weighs 8 lbs 5 oz and is 54 cms long (was 51 cms at birth) and has a head circumference of 37 cms (don't have a clue what it was before). She has gained a pound over the past two weeks and there are no more concerns about her ability to gain weight. The doctor checked her hips to make sure that the hip joints are ok and asked if Lily startles to noise (yes) and has started following things with her eyes (yes). Lily has come down with a nasty case of baby acne but there is nothing that can be done about it so we just have to wait until it passes. All in all, she's doing just great! The doctor encouraged me to work on getting Lily on a schedule and to start "teaching" Lily to fall asleep on her own (at this point, other than at night, Lily needs to be soothed to fall asleep). As much as I love my doctor's skills for labour and delivery, I don't really agree on her ideas about schedules and letting babies "cry it out". I think that Lily is too young to be on a schedule as she seems to change her routine on a daily basis and while I appreciate the value of not creating a child who needs certain things to be able to fall asleep, I don't think that it's time to worry about that just yet. On another note, we did introduce the soother this week (after waiting until the recommended one month mark). Lily doesn't take it all the time but it certainly has calmed her down on a few occasions when we have given it to her. She very much enjoys sucking and while she does suck on her hands sometimes, she just doesn't have the motor skills to be able to always get her hands into her mouth when she wants them. The soother does the trick and I'm happy that she is interested in taking it.

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