Tuesday, June 16, 2009

"Blissed out but bored"

That is how a friend described how I was feeling to another one of our co-workers and I thought that it was a great summary of the past month. I very much enjoy Lily but to be completely honest, I do find this first stage to be somewhat boring (I'm sure that I'll be biting my tongue when Lily is crawling/walking/getting into everything). My normal day looks something like this:

5am - Feed Lily and go back to sleep
7am - Feed Lily and convince her to go back to sleep because I'm tired and don't want to get up yet
9am - Get out of bed. Quickly make a coffee before Lily wakes up.
9:30am - 3pm - Feed Lily every 2 hrs or so and try to get her to fall asleep for a nap or two during the day (she won't fall asleep on her own and needs to be soothed to get to sleep). Play a few games with Lily (tummy time, hold the rattle). Quickly try to do various household tasks while she sleeps (dishes, sweep the floor, laundry)
3pm - Either go for a walk or take a nap with Lily.
5pm - Scott gets home. Give Lily to him so that I get a break from holding her. Make dinner.
5pm - 8pm - Finish whatever household task I didn't get to during the day. Continue to feed Lily, especially right at supper time as she always is hungry when my food is ready (regardless of what time supper might be ready).
8pm - 10pm - Take turns with Scott to soothe Lily during her "witching hour". Maybe go for a walk. Put her to bed between 9 and 10pm.
10pm - Go to bed
1am - Feed Lily
3am - Feed Lily

This seems to be our routine, day in and day out with some internet time thrown in while I'm feeding her (god bless the little laptop that sits on the side of the armchair where I feed Lily!). I guess that I had never really put much thought into what you do on a daily basis with a newborn. I now realize that I don't have many ideas on how to entertain her and/or "stimulate her development" as I had never envisioned what a day with a newborn actually looks like. I always feel like I should be doing more with her but I have to keep reminding myself that really, she just needs to eat and sleep at this point with some interaction thrown in for good measure. I'm looking forward to the stage where she becomes a bit more interactive (and hungry less often!)

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