Friday, March 27, 2009

The boy's got it real bad!

I keep reading about how the nesting instinct is supposed to kick in soon. Truthfully, it would be hard to know if it had or not because I have so much work to do with the move and all of it involves organizing and cleaning. However, I certainly don't feel any rush of energy that requires me to prep for the baby.  Scott, on the other hand, seems to be nesting like mad.  He has been working on our house every night since we took possession of it last Monday. He drives into Calgary nightly to do the painting, work on the floors, and redo our kitchen.  He is a man on a mission - I've never seen him so motivated in my whole life!  I think that it's fantastic and I truly appreciate all the effort that he is putting into getting the house ready for our new family.  I have only seen it once since he started working on it but tomorrow is my first chance to see it since he put the flooring in and redid all the kitchen cabinets.  Can't wait for the "reveal" tomorrow!

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