Monday, March 9, 2009

An apology to my husband

I truly hate the stereotypes that come along with being pregnant but as I slowly move along in this process, I really that some of these stereotypes seem to be somewhat based in fact.  Last week, I experienced the most intense mood swings.  Now, I do realize that I have a whole lot on the go right now (between buying a house, moving in three weeks, losing my ability to deliver in Banff, making the decision to leave my job, worrying about labour and delivery, etc. etc. etc.) and all of these things would normally make me quite stressed but I certainly am reacting in a way that I never normally would.  I have so little patience for the idiots that inevitably come into my life (I try to remember the phrase "Be nice to the idiot in your life because you are the idiot in someone else's life" but that doesn't always work) and I feel intense rage towards them. I've woken up super cranky most days over the past week - all for no apparent reason.  (Scott even asked me how I could be so grumpy so soon after waking up!)  In addition, I've cried numerous times, each day, over the past two weeks. All these mood changes kind of make me laugh because I truly feel like I have no control over them.  Just another thing about pregnancy to be fascinated by...I did tell Scott that I was sorry for whatever behaviours I exhibited towards him over the next 9 weeks - hopefully he understands that it is nothing personal.  

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