Thursday, May 21, 2009

Warning - Camping may cause labour...

As many of you know, Scott and I went to Golden this weekend to go mountain biking and camping.  I know that most people thought that it was a crazy idea (given that I was 5 days overdue) but we figured that the baby HAD to arrive if we did something like that.  Lo and behold, it worked!

My water broke in our tent in Golden at 11:45pm on Saturday night (May 16th) and after receiving the ok from the Golden hospital, we drove back to Canmore.  After dropping the dog off at Steve and Bex’s, we popped into the Canmore hospital for a quick assessment at 4:00am and were told to go home as I was only one centimeter dilated and the baby’s head was still super high.  The nurse figured that I would probably be in labour for a day or two.  Much to everyone’s surprise (especially Bex and Steve as we were at their house while I was in the throws of hard labour), things progressed very quickly and we returned to the hospital at 9:00am to find out that I was fully dilated and needed to get to the LDR now as the baby’s head was RIGHT THERE and it was time to push.  After a frantic phone call to my doctor (who reportedly drove 150km/hour to get to the hospital from Banff), a wonderful nurse guided us through the first part of the pushing stage.  Our doctor arrived within 10 minutes and our amazing baby girl was born at 9:55am on May 17th.  Scott got to help with the delivery and assisted our doctor to pull his daughter out and put her on my chest.  She fed right away and has been the most fantastic baby ever since! (and also the cutest and smartest and greatest and wonderfulest…).

Lily Jade Withers weighed 7lbs 6oz and was 50 cms long at birth.  I have attached some photos for your viewing pleasure.  We are the most blissed out parents ever and can’t wait to show off our baby girl. 


Cheryle Battrum said...

Congrats, Withers family!! Lily is adorable!
Sounds like the whole delivery process was quite an adventure... relatively quick and painless... or at least QUICK!?!
The pics are great, looks like you are all doing well! Rebecca, you're a natural... and Scott looks just plain mesmerized by his daughter... and Cara seems happy to be the guardian of Mama and Babe!
Awesome!! We are thrilled for you guys and look forward to meeting Lily!

Rebecca said...

Thanks Cheryle! Hope that you guys can come by soon for a visit.

P.S. Not painless at all but yes, it certainly was quick!