Monday, May 11, 2009

"this part is really weird"

Ok, so I've been saying that for pretty much my whole pregnancy but this time, I really mean it! It is totally strange to be waiting for the baby's arrival - we are getting so excited to be parents and to meet our baby but we have absolutely no idea when s/he is going to get here.  Labour could start in two hours, two days, or two weeks.  (Luckily, I know that it won't be longer than two weeks because that would push me over the 42 week mark and I would likely need to be induced. However, I don't think that's going to happen because it does seem like the baby is going to come soon).  We are pretty sure that the baby has dropped down and I've been having lots more cramping/Braxton-Hicks, especially at night.  I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow so I should have a better idea of where things are at after that.  It is crazy to think that the most exciting thing to ever happen to us will happen without a set time or date but regardless, I just want it to happen soon!

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