Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Travelling with a baby

Scott and I have been camping/mountain biking every weekend since Lily was four weeks old (except for one weekend when my parents were visiting). We are getting better and better at heading out to camp with a baby and our system is improving every weekend. One thing that hasn't improved is my inability to allow for 'baby travel time' in our plans. I keep thinking of travel time as the actual time that it takes to get from point A to point B without allowing time for stopping for feedings, diaper changes, or fussing baby. Luckily Lily is pretty good at travelling in her car seat but we still usually stop 3-5 times per trip. We are about to embark on our first cross-province trip with Lily when we head out to the Island in September and we've already come to terms with the fact that that trip is no longer a one-day drive.

We've learned that it's important to bring toys for Lily to play with when we are driving. In this photo, she's doing two of her favorite new things- sucking on her hand while holding onto her kangaroo.

We've also learned that it's good to have a supply of pumped milk on hand so that Lily can have a bottle on the road. I was pretty darn surprised to see that she was able to hold the bottle herself, despite the fact that her technique is a little off.

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