Saturday, December 6, 2008

Thank goodness for nine months of pregnancy!

As with many things, I'm sure that my perspective will change by the time that I'm hugely pregnant and desperate to give birth but at this point, I'm pretty darn happy that pregnancy lasts nine months.  First off, the long period of time gives you a chance to get used to the idea of having a baby and all the things that will change in your life.  I have barely begun to start processing that idea as I was pretty cautious about my thoughts during the first three months because I just wanted to get past the 'risk of miscarriage' stage.  Now, I'm at the 'coming to terms with all the changes in my body' stage.  Soon, I figure that I will start working on the 'oh my god, we are having a baby! what the hell were we thinking?' stage.  While I spend some moments thinking about what it will be like to have a baby, I can't honestly imagine it as it seems like such a foreign concept when you have never experienced it first-hand.  I haven't started to prepare the baby's room because I'm just not mentally there yet. Maybe that's the stage that's next to come...

The second advantage of being pregnant for nine months is that you have lots of time to organize your house.  Maybe this isn't important for other people because their houses are probably always organized but mine is often somewhat of a disaster (especially after a summer of mountain biking when we weren't home, ever!).  It's taken me weeks to go through my closets and put away all the clothes that don't fit and to figure out which maternity clothes I want/need. Now that I have (mostly) finished that task, I need to work on organizing our storage area.  See, the baby will not be getting a dedicated baby room (at least not while we live in this place); rather, it will be fit somewhere in between Scott's office stuff, our mountain bikes, and all the climbing/ski gear. In order to make this happen, I need to get rid of some stuff and organize the rest of it.  Here's hoping that I finish all this organizing in time!

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