The baby's legs (this is the coolest photo!)

Another profile shot

We went to Calgary today for our 18 week ultrasound appointment. This experience was SO much better than the last time (aside from the nearly bursting bladder again!) - the ultrasound tech was way nicer and it was so amazing to see our baby. The appointment lasted about 40 minutes, during which the ultrasound tech checked out every aspect of the baby's health (brain development, organ development and placement, limbs, bone placement, cleft palate, club foot etc. etc. etc.). Everything totally checked out for our little one which made us really happy. The baby must be a boy because it wasn't cooperating all that well - it was moving around a ton (hence, not the greatest photos) and was being a bit difficult for the tech to get her readings. We still have no sense of what kind of baby we are having as it doesn't look particularly like a boy or a girl. We did notice that it has my up-turned nose but that's about all that we could see. Scott even managed to hold in his curiosity and he didn't ask what the sex of the baby was. The baby is currently about 9 inches long and weighs just under 1/2 a pound. All the measurements were bang on so we remain close to our original due date of May 12th. All in all, today was a fantastic day!
On another note, ultrasound clinics are making a killing on selling these photos. Each disk costs $20 and I'm sure that they sell a ton of them. I can't imagine that they cost more than $1 to make (and that's being generous). What a brilliant marketing idea!
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