Friday, July 17, 2009

Baby Houdini

Lily is one squirmy baby. This kinda makes sense because she moved around all the time when I was pregnant. Outside of the womb, her wiggliness is really impressive. She frequently wiggles out of her swaddle blankets and I had already mentioned that she wiggled out of her pants on three different occasions. Well, she has now outdone herself as she managed to wiggle out of one of her sleepers this week! I went to pick her up in the morning and realized that her sleeper was down by her waist (she had also managed to wiggle out of her diaper which lead to pee getting all over the bed but that's a whole other story!). I wish that I had thought to take a photo because it's really amazing that she managed to get her arms out of the sleeper on her own but maybe she takes after Cara...(back in the day, Cara went through three dog jackets because she would rub up against trees in the forest to get out of them. This was even when the jackets had holes that her legs went through and buckled up at the back!)

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