Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The roller coaster ride that is parenting

Motherhood is one crazy journey. It was so overwhelming in the beginning - lots of responsibility with little reward or feedback from your baby. You know that you love your baby but it's sometimes hard to always feel that love, especially when you are so tired and unsure of yourself. Then, time passes, motherhood gets easier and your baby changes into a little person who is interactive and enjoyable to be with. Motherhood feels rewarding and life feels good. The love you have for your baby grows in leaps and bounds and you can't imagine life without them. The "shining light of motherhood" beams down upon you and you think that having children is the best thing in the world. You watch your partner go through many of the same emotions as you and you relish in the joy that he gets from being a father. Where does the roller coaster go from here, especially when here feels like the best thing ever?

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