Sunday, January 18, 2009

Those people

I have never liked listening to people talk endless about their pregnancy and/or parenting.  It was especially difficult when I was trying to get pregnant and people would go on and on about their kids.  Now that I am pregnant, I find myself talking about it all the time.  I have also noticed that Scott does it too - we talk about it amongst ourselves, with our friends, and with our families.  It seems that there are endless conversations to have (sometimes I wonder what we talked about before we became pregnant).  As much as I don't like this, I don't really know when it started to happen and I don't feel like I have much control over it.  If you haven't been pregnant, I don't think that I can help you appreciate how much time I spend thinking about being pregnant and having a baby.  It truly occupies 90% of my thoughts. I partly think that this is because I constantly feel pregnant but I think that it is also because there is so much to process about having a baby and being a parent.  It is the most overwhelming thing that I have ever done and even though I am stoked to become a mother, it totally terrifies me.  

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