A pregnant woman resorts to many things to try to get a good night's sleep (I suspect that a new mother will resort to every more things but I'll save that for a later post...). As my body changes, shifts, and generally gets better, I have had more and more trouble sleeping. I have never been a particularly good sleeper and pregnancy definitely makes things worse. To find a solution to my sleeping problem, I have created an arsenal of pillows to assist me in sleeping. I've tried a foam pillow, a feather pillow, a body pillow, and a memory foam pillow. None of these were working particularly well so I turned to the Internet for some suggestions (I just don't know what people did before the Internet came along). One website recommended the "Snoogle" - I figured that it was worth a try so I trotted off to Calgary last weekend to buy one. It was the best $60 that I have ever spent! The Snoogle is the 'C' shaped pillow that you see in this picture and provides awesome tummy, back, hip, and neck support. It did take me a few days to get used to but I am pleased to report that I am sleeping MUCH better these days. I'm sure that I will go through another growth spurt and will become quite uncomfortable when trying to sleep towards the end of my pregnancy but I'm just happy to be getting restful sleeps right now.
p.s. Note - there sure isn't a lot of room left for Scott and the dog in the bed anymore. Luckily, I keep the spare pillows beside my bed so there is just me, Scott, the dog, and the Snoogle. I'm not sure how the baby will fit in the bed with us but I'm sure that we will make it work :)
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