The passage of time and the concept of how one spends their time...both of these thoughts are prominent in my mind these days.
I can't believe that Lily is almost eight months old! Time seemed to move SO slowly when she was first born. I hated being stuck alone at home with her and I couldn't stand how endless each day seemed to be. Now, time seems to be flying by and I only have four more months at home with her before I go back to work. She has changed so much over the past two months and is such a delight to be around. I am still a bit lonely at home by myself during the day but I get immense joy and pleasure from just being with her which makes the loneliness less of an issue. I can't imagine not going back to work (and frankly, that is not a financial option for us) but it's so hard to think about Lily being in childcare five days a week. Scott and I do hope that we each can work four days per week which means that Lily will only need three days of care but we don't know if that will happen or not. Regardless, it is my goal to make the most out of these next four months as I know that they will likely go by faster than the past eight months did.
I've decided to start running again (nothing like a weeklong chinook in January to make me want to be outside!) - time to get back in shape as returning to work is only four months away (see above post) and I need to fit into more clothes for work. I've always done best with running when I have a goal race in mind. When pondering my race for this year, I did consider whether I wanted to work towards a full marathon or a half marathon. After some thought, I decided to just go with a 6km race. I have no desire to spend hours away from Lily simply to train for a race. While it is important for me to do things for myself and to have time away from Lily, both of those things need to be moderated with how much value I will receive from whatever it is that takes me away from her. Running for 3 hours every Sunday just doesn't met the criteria for what matters most to me right now - being with my husband and my daughter.
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