Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sleep training - Day three

There were some interesting developments last night in the sleeping department. Lily ate some supper (actually ate a fair amount) but mostly because I fed it to her off of my finger. She did eat the beets off the spoon but she refused the egg until I used the finger technique. Maybe the spoon is too hard on her teeth? As with most things, we have no idea why it worked, we just know that it did. After supper, we did a quick run to the mall in hopes of getting a Santa photo but she was just too tired. By the time that we got home, she was SO ready for bed and went to sleep at 7:30pm. She didn't end up having her third nap of the day because she was fussing in the crib when Scott got home from work and I figured that he should have some time to play with her. Anyways, back to my story...I waited for Lily to wake up at her usual feeding time of 10pm but when she didn't wake up, I decided that I was too tired to wait for her and would just get up whenever she next woke up. Lo and behold, it was 3:00am before she woke! I got 5 straight hours of sleeping and was thrilled with that. I fed her at 3:00am and she went right back to sleep until 6:30am. I fed her again and we both fell back to sleep until 8:30am. She's currently sleeping for her first nap of the day. I hope that this is the turning point of the sleeping training program and not just some weird fluke associated with eating dinner or some other random reason. I love knowing that she can now go 7+ hours without feeding and I desperately hope that we are out of the 'waking every 3 hrs' stage (at least for awhile!).

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