Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Baby ski bunny

Despite the fact that I've lived in Alberta for many years, I've never been a huge fan of winter. It's cold and I have a hard time getting outside to exercise. However, I've forced myself to take up cross-country skiing so that I have a way to get outdoors, even when there is lots of snow on the ground. When Lily was born, I wasn't sure if I'd still be able to get out xc skiing but I was willing to try. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to pull her in the Chariot and I wasn't sure that we'd be able to get the ski attachment as it's quite expensive. Well, we still can't afford the ski attachment but luckily, I was able to borrow one and go out skiing with Lily and two friends last weekend. Turns out that the hardest part of taking Lily cross-country skiing was the trail side diaper change - it isn't super easy to pull the Chariot but it isn't all that bad. I wouldn't want to take it on a hilly trail but skiing on the Great Divide Trail in Lake Louise was perfect!

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