Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Breaking the "rules"

There are lots of things that you are/aren't supposed to do when you have a baby. These are too numerous to list but the thing that comes to mind as one of the biggest no-no's is blankets in the crib. Apparently there is lots of research to indicate that the risk of SIDS increases when babies have blankets, stuffed animals, etc. in their cribs. While I don't believe that the researchers are lying, we have chosen not to follow this recommendation. Lily loves sleeping with her blankets and often push them up and around her face. She uses the blankets to soothe herself back to sleep and given how hard we've worked to teach her to self-soothe, I refuse to take this away from her. I guess that we are taking a chance that something could happen to her but (especially at this point in her life) I'm not that worried about it and am willing to take the risk. I suspect that this is just one example in a long list of "rules" that Scott and I will be breaking but as I'm quickly learning, being a parent is all about following your heart and making decisions that are best for your family.

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