I signed Lily up for swimming lessons but they don't start until the end of November. In the meantime, I learned about Mom and Baby Aquasize classes at the VRRI. We've been going for two weeks and while it's quite a lot of work to get Lily dressed for the pool and out again, it is fun to do something different. I was pretty nervous about going to the first class as it was a new experience and I wasn't sure how to manage the logistics of dealing with a wet baby but we figured it out together (with only one big booboo - I didn't realize that she was supposed to wear the Little Swimmers UNDER her swim diaper - I thought that she only needed the swim diaper - oops...) She doesn't really seem to know what to make of the pool but she's not crying so she can't hate it too much. Plus, she does look darn cute in the baby boat so I think that we'll keep going!

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