Friday, November 20, 2009

Now I understand...

I used to always harshly judge those parents who were caught leaving their infants in the car. The media loves to report on these news stories and the parents are always completely vilified. I swore that I would never do such a thing and couldn't understand why anybody would ever put their child at risk like that. Then I had a baby....

Now I realize that it's totally inconvenient to take your baby in and out of the car, especially when s/he is sleeping. I drive around town, wishing that more businesses had drive-thru services. I routinely don't get things done on my to-do list, just because Lily is sleeping and I don't want the hassle of hauling her out of the truck. And, when I'm paying for gas, I leave her in the truck. I lock the doors and I'm never out of eye sight of the vehicle. I just pray that I'm not the next News at Six stories as one of "those" moms!

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