Thursday, October 1, 2009

I liked that other woman better

I've been working myself into a bit of a worrying tizzy these days about Lily. I had previously been pretty chill about her and the various baby traits that she displays, however, she is throwing me for a bit of a loop these days. Not only does she remains really small (see previous post) but she had a bad reaction to her shots this week and got her first cold. In addition, she has turned into a fairly lousy sleeper and regularly wakes numerous times during the night. A good night would be when she only wakes up four times but it's been more common for her to wake up 6-8 times per night. I never really know why she's waking up and I often end up feeding her (mostly because I want her to stop crying and feeding her always works). Throw in some teething behaviour (but is she really teething? only time will tell) and I truly feel like I no longer have a clue about how to take care of her. The only thing that I do know is that I liked myself a whole lot better when I wasn't constantly worrying about Lily or second-guessing my mothering abilities.

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