Monday, September 28, 2009

It's hard to be little

Lily was of average size when she was born but she has not maintained her size. She is currently of average length and head size but she remains in the 5th percentile for her weight. She looks extra tall, just because she doesn't weigh very much. I go through different periods of acceptance about her weight - I sometimes worry a great deal about the fact that she's so slow to gain weight and at other times, I accept that this is just how she is. She is on a steady weight gain pattern and is meeting all of her developmental milestones but I can't help but worry that I'm doing something wrong, especially since she is basically exclusively breastfed (with the exception of the one bottle of formula that we gave her last week so that Scott doesn't feel so ill-prepared re: her feeding needs when I'm at work or out with friends). When I am the primary food-source for Lily, it's pretty hard to not feel like I'm not feeding her properly or that there is something wrong with my milk. So, as my new favorite quote states "Guilt is to motherhood as grapes are to red wine"...

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