Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Strangest sleeping strategy ever

When I was on the Traveling Lily Road Show, I discovered a new trick to help get her to sleep in her carseat. If I covered her face with a blanket, she would stop crying and would fall asleep. I had seen her do this to herself in the past but I never thought of replicating it until I was at a loss for how to calm her down when I was travelling with her by myself. I hadn't done it since but brought it back into my parenting bag of tricks this week when she's been having trouble sleeping. It doesn't work all the time (ie when she wakes up because she's hungry) but it works pretty darn well most of the time, especially for naps! It's the strangest strategy but as any parent knows, you'll pretty much do whatever it takes to get your kid to either go to sleep or stay asleep. And yes, I do take the blanket off as soon as she's asleep :)

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