You love reading books and doing puzzles.
Bambi is your favourite movie, even if there are a few clips that scare you.
You love playing hockey with your Daddy.
You could play outside all day long, especially if there was a sandbox involved.
You are scared to ride your run bike but you are obsessed with Mom and Dad's bikes.
You love throwing rocks and bark mulch.
You are tentative and a little shy sometimes but you quickly warm up to people.
You transition easily to new situations and happily go with the flow.
Your favourite foods are Mini-wheats, quesadillas, and noodles with cheese. You occasionally eat some fruit but rarely eat veggies (other than corn).
You are feisty and independent. You love doing things on your own and get mad if we try to help you.
You get frustrated when you don't get your way and can throw off a glare that would stop a horse in his tracks.
You are happiest when you are with your Mom and Dad. You are a pleasure to be around and we couldn't be prouder of the child that you are becoming.