I went back to work last Monday. I had very mixed feelings about this - I love my job and was happy about my decision to return to my position in Banff but I was dreading leaving Lily. I have no inclination towards stay-at-home motherhood. I have the upmost respect for those who chose that life path but to be honest, it's just not for me. To be frank, it seems WAY harder than returning to the paid workforce and I love my work too much to leave my career behind to stay home with Lily full-time. I had been lucky enough to reduce my position to .8, meaning that I'd have Fridays off and while we had hoped that Scott would be able to do the same, his work would not agree to that. So, off to the dayhome went Lily on April 26th. I cried every morning last week when I dropped her off and I missed her like crazy during the day. I thought of her constantly and I hated being away from her. However, I did enjoy being back at my job and I loved having the chance to be something other than Lily's mom. I got to eat when I wanted, I got to wear nice clothes and I got a chance to use my brain again. Making everything easier was the fact that Lily seems to really like the dayhome (in fact, she might just like it a little too much - she wants to give the dayhome provider a hug when we leave...seriously, does she have to like her that much already?!) and I know that she's being well cared for there. Picking her up in the afternoon is my favorite part of the day and I love that she's so happy to see us. This week has been much better and I'm happy to report that I didn't cry once when I dropped her off. I even managed to work through my 'working mom' guilt issues and go to an evening bootcamp class! It was hard to leave her after only being with her for 2 hours that day but I need to do things that are for my health and well-being, even if it means that I spend one less hour with her that night. The best part of all of this has been my new four day work week. Having three days off is SO nice - lots of time to be with Lily but also lots of time to relax and hang out as a family, all while still getting errands done. I highly recommend it and now think that everyone should have three days off per week. I'm sure that working motherhood will present all sorts of new challenges for our family but at this point, life feels like it's perfectly in balance.